Eco Avant-Garde Srl, was created by the will of Nicola Munaron and Giampietro Compagno, thus inheriting the wealth of experience and skills, gained by both in the field of technologies aimed at using alternative energy sources to fossil ones and in particular: Photovoltaic, Gasification and Biodigestion, Hydroelectric and the recovery of scraps and waste in general.
The Company is equipped with the requisites and skills to develop and define, directly or through qualified collaborations, all the activities envisaged by its statute: it designs, builds and manages power plants for the production of electricity and thermal energy and, upstream of this, performs “environmental impact” assessments, feasibility studies, research, planning and works management, analysis of technical-economic-financial adequacy of each single order.
It also markets with a world exclusive contract, a plant for the treatment and recovery of waste, based on plasterboard, from construction or building demolitions or from production waste, able to completely separate the gypsum from the paper, obtaining an MPS , secondary raw material, having the same characteristics as the original plaster.
Thanks to our administrative, legal and technological structure, we are able to accept orders all over the world.